Data on Grindr's profile
by Jessica Pidoux published on 23 March 2021
On Grindr's profile page a user can describe the «morphology» only as a man according to the given categories in masculin (French: «entretenu, moyen, grand, musclé, mince, trapu»), which is still an explicit indication that the app assumes by design users are gay men.
The same for ethnicity in masculin «asiatique, noir, latino, Homme du moyen orient, métis, amérindien, blanc, sud asiatique, autres»
After creating an account, a picture, a name are requested to fill in (no mandatory). The age is shown after creating the account and entering date of birth.
Sex is not mandatory for creating an account in Grindr in contrast to other generalist dating apps like Tinder or Bumble for hetero, gay and bi that request the user's sex and s-he sex of preference.
Instead, on Grindr the user can decide to fill in the sex later if he decides to complete his profile. «No answer» is selected by default by the app in the profile page.
The assumption can be also largely confirmed by the abundance of scientific articles studying gay men user practices on Grindr and not other other sexual orientations.